O Teri Hindi Movie Trailar

O Teri is a Hindi comedy film released on 28 March 2014 directed by Umesh Bhishit and produced by Atul Agnihotri, featuring Pulkit Samrat, Bilal Amrohi, Sarah-Jane Dias, and Mandira Bedi. The film stars Pulkit Samrat and newcomer Bilal Amrohi as two journalists, who come across a big scam. Upon release, the film received generally negative reviews and went on to become a box office disaster. 


Pulkit Samrat

Bilal Amrohi

Sarah-Jane Dias

Mandira Bedi

Directed by                         Umesh Bist

Produced by                      Atul Agnihotri

Written by                          Umesh Bist

Neeti Palta

Narrated by                        Salman Khan

Music by                              GJ Singh, Rajiv Bhalla, Hard Kaur

Edited by                             Devendra Murdeshwar

Release dates                    28 March 2014

Country                                India

Language                             Hindi


O Teri Theatrical Trailer

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